Southwark Street, London

Situated in Southwark Street in South London, close to London Bridge station, the Hop Exchange is a Grade II listed building. It was opened in 1867 and was at the centre of hop trading for London’s brewing industry. The purpose of the Hop Exchange was to provide a single market place for hop dealers. There was a glass roof which allowed business on the trading floor to be conducted under natural light. Similar buildings in London included the Coal, Stock and Metal Exchanges. However, damage caused during World War II, massive redevelopment and the need for modernisation affected all of the Exchanges. Also, in 1920, a a fire in the Hop Exchange led to further changes. It is now home to offices.
Image: Photographer unknown (1920)
From approximately the same position in 2022.
Image: © TimeViews Steven Miell
A merged version of the two photographs. Use the slider in the centre.